Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Catch Up Ramble

Last week was a blur of activity. It felt like we were back in full swing. In our first 2 weeks back to DC we made it to the pediatrician (the babe with a mild eye infection....AGAIN), the allergist (the babe getting test results and the little guy being tested), the OB-GYN (my annual check-up) and the dermatologist (my semi-annual check up which resulted in some cryosurgery to kill some precancerous cells....nice). Seriously, if I had a paid job, I'd be fired for going to too many appointments.

The weather was awesome and we made it to the park after school for 3 days in a row. We'd stay until the sun went down at around 5pm and make it home in time for a cozy kid dinner. It's really a sweet way to spend the end of the day and I'm grateful DC's weather allows us to do it!

There were a few noteworthy incidents, such as the babe melting down near the exceptionally busy rush hour chaos street we have to navigate each day on the way to preschool. Why such a monumental break down? Because she didn't want to hold my hand. It was quite a spectacle and I'm sure many people got to catch my not so awesome attempt to "keep it cool." I was being abused by a 3 year old in public and I was at a loss as to what I should do. I tried a few things and I didn't get very far. At one point I even threw her over my shoulder and started to walk down the sidewalk while pushing the little guy in the stroller in front of me. Unfortunately a number of the witnesses were other parents walking their well behaved kids to the babe's school. Doh.

Today is a public holiday in the States (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day). That means I've got both the kids to myself all day long. It's been a tad hairy at times, but has gone OK overall. Only about 5 time outs for the babe (yikes). But I am proud as I've accomplished a major feat. I removed the pack and play/changing station from our dining room. I found a home for all the stuff that was being stored in it and moved it down the the basement where it now will serve as a cage for the little guy while his sister jumps on her new trampoline. I also managed to do some general organizing and vacuuming on both the main level and in the basement. I am feeling pretty good (I also just ate some chocolate and the kids are asleep which may be contributing to my general sense of well being).

I am now going to try and read my book club book. Did I mention I'm now in a book club? The ladies on my street get together about every 6 weeks and have a little book chat. It's pretty cool, except when you don't love the book and would rather be doing one of the millions of other things that need doing (or reading something you enjoy more). Alas....they can't all be winners, and not everything has to get done now. I've got 7 days to finish it up, so off I go!

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